a very special visitor.

Sean made a deal with Alicia this evening. Once she finished eating dinner, Tate (their 3 1/2 year old son) could come to visit. While Sean went to make some calls, Alicia rested in preparation for her little Tater to come wear her out. I did what I've been doing most of this time…caught up on communication and beat another level of Candy Crush.

It's hard to know what exactly is going through Tate's head as he sees all of this unfolding around him. He loves his mom dearly and has definitely been aching to have her around again, but he is too young to comprehend the gravity of the changes going on. He brought some of his special wooden puzzles into the hospital for Alicia to do them with his help (the physical therapist recommended this type of thing to get her left side working hard to get back up to speed). It was so sweet seeing him urge his momma to put a piece back into the puzzle a certain way. She did a great job, but he wore her out quickly!

Alicia is convinced she'll make enough progress to be released tomorrow. I have no idea what the parameters are that might allow her to go home, but if there's anyone determined enough to make a valiant attempt, it's Alicia.

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