portrait of tijuana.

I was lucky enough to go down to Tijuana for Thanksgiving and work with and photograph Spectrum Ministries. Even more wonderful was that I was able to write an article and post a photo gallery from the day via my new job at The Patch.

Here's the article: http://imperialbeach.patch.com/articles/thanksgiving-thursday-in-tijuana

And here's the photo gallery: http://imperialbeach.patch.com/articles/photo-gallery-tijuana-thanksgiving#photo-3465113

I couldn't be more excited to be following my dream and finally working as a photojournalist again. The best part about it is that The Patch not only assigns me stories to write and photograph, but allows me to seek out my own. That's why I got to combine all of my loves yesterday. Ministry and photojournalism. I couldn't have asked for a better Thanksgiving.

Along with taking photos of the events of the day, I shot dozens of portraits of the neighborhood residents where we were working. By the end of the day, I had groups coming up to me tugging at my sleeve and camera strap, asking for their photos to be taken.

This is one of my favorite portraits of the day.